March-a-thon Fundraiser for Drummer’s Call 2021

February 15, 2021 | Archive

March-a-thon Fundraiser for Drummer’s Call 2021

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation has invited the Mountain Fifes & Drums of Lake Arrowhead to participate in their 15th annual Drummer’s Call in May 2021. Drummer’s Call is an invitation-only, national gathering of those Fife & Drum organizations who present the most accurate portrayal of 18th century military music. Our young musicians will have the unique opportunity to experience Colonial American history as living historians, representing our mountain communities and the state of California. We are very honored by the invitation and hope to raise the funds necessary to attend. 

On Saturday, March 20th from 12-2pm, we will be performing a March-a-thon in order to raise money for our trip to The Drummer’s Call. We will be marching around the Lake Arrowhead Village (approx. 3 miles or 6 laps) playing colonial tunes. Please visit our information table at Center Stage to make an in-person donation or consider making an online donation: