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The Latest from Mountain Fifes & Drums.

The Great Pinecone Festival 2014
The Great Pinecone Festival 2014

This isn't just any pinecone festival this is THE Great Pinecone Festival! That is right we were invited back to this unique mountain even this year and we had a blast. A few times a year we are able to dust off the entire encampment including tents and kitchen!...

Colonial Christmas 2013
Colonial Christmas 2013

It is always a good time when George Washington descends upon our humble mountain. Our anual Colonial Christmas concert was a great success with story telling and performances by our corps. Playing traditional Patriotic and Christmas tunes to a packed house....

Pine Cone Festival
Pine Cone Festival

The October weather was superb for this years Pine Cone Festival in Twin Peaks California. We had a short march from the Garland's house to our camp site with a short presentation in between. We spent the rest of the day talking with passerby's about our program...