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The Latest from Mountain Fifes & Drums.

Salute to Veterans 2014
Salute to Veterans 2014

We very much enjoy participating in the Salute To Veterans Parade in Riverside, CA. This year we even had a few mom's out in the limelight holing our Mountain Fifes & Drums banner. It is always great to see many of the wars represented from Colonial to WWII and more....

Pacific Palisades July 4th 2013
Pacific Palisades July 4th 2013

After a long parade in Huntington Beach the corps mounted up and travelled up the coast to Pacific Palisades and marched yet again on July 4th. This time the parade was much shorter but the response was just as strong from those watching our beloved corps. The corps...

Disneyland 2012
Disneyland 2012

The Mountain Fifes & Drums marches upon Disneyland, California yet again. Though the day started off with rain, the skies parted and made way for a beautiful winter day in Anaheim, Ca. The Corps did an awesome job once again spurring inspiration with dignity. Awesome...

Blue Jay Christmas Parade
Blue Jay Christmas Parade

It was freezing! Sure it may have been a little above freezing at about 33º. However, with the windchill factored in we marching in about 23º weather. Still our corp was strong and performed amazingly. After marching in what some have deemed the "shortest parade in...