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USS Midway Flag Day Celebration
USS Midway Flag Day Celebration

A somewhat overcast day turned into a beautiful day on June 16th. The Mountain Fifes & Drums marched upon the famous USS Midway at the San Diego harbor. The corps performed on the hangar deck and also the flight deck. [nggallery id=11]

Colonial Days VOE School
Colonial Days VOE School

We were invited to Valley of Enchantment Elementary School for their "Colonial Days" celebration. It was a great time of performing battle tunes while the students reenacted the Revolutionary War. The students were taught to march in formation along with a crash...

Knott’s Berry Farm 2012
Knott’s Berry Farm 2012

Thank you to Knott's Berry Farm for inviting us to perform this past Memorial Day weekend at your park. We had the unique opportunity to teach some history to those that stood watching the impromptu parade. Giving insight into the military strategies of the...

Grads 2012
Grads 2012

Durring our trip to Knott's Berry Farm we had a chance for our graduating Sr. Corps members to have a celebratory march. What a milestone in the life of the young people knowing all the miles they've tread as members of the Mountain Fifes & Drums. Congratulations 2012...

Memorial Day Assembly M.P.H. Jr. High
Memorial Day Assembly M.P.H. Jr. High

A solemn assembly took place on the Thursday before Memorial Day to pay tribute to our fallen heroes. The Mountain Fifes & Drums Corps performed for the students of M.P.H. Jr. High School. [nggallery id=5]

Veteran’s Parade Riverside, Ca
Veteran’s Parade Riverside, Ca

A very hot April day awaited the Mountain Fifes & Drums in Riverside, Ca as we gave tribute to our veterans. A parade stretching for almost a mile non-stop. The Corps did an excellent job toughing out the heat and bringing honor to the veterans of the area. [nggallery...

Disneyland 2012
Disneyland 2012

The Mountain Fifes & Drums marches upon Disneyland, California yet again. Though the day started off with rain, the skies parted and made way for a beautiful winter day in Anaheim, Ca. The Corps did an awesome job once again spurring inspiration with dignity. Awesome...

Grand Illumination
Grand Illumination

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Grand Illumination at the San Moritz Lodge in Crestline, California this year. [nggallery id=1]

Blue Jay Christmas Parade
Blue Jay Christmas Parade

It was freezing! Sure it may have been a little above freezing at about 33º. However, with the windchill factored in we marching in about 23º weather. Still our corp was strong and performed amazingly. After marching in what some have deemed the "shortest parade in...

September 11th 2011
September 11th 2011

Our last performance was a huge success. The Lake Arrowhead Village in beautiful Lake Arrowhead, California hosted the 10th anniversary memorial.